The Effectiveness of Bupropion in Cigarette Smoking Cessation - A Narrative Review

  • Matea Prenc* Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Centre Sisters of Charity, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Frano Perić Department of Radiology, General Hospital Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Irena Petričić Department of Psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Mirjana Flegarić Bradić Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Centre Sisters of Charity, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Robert Rončević Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Centre Osijek, Croatia


Smoking is still a large indirect cause of premature death worldwide. The first line of treatment for smoking cessation is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Bupropion, a drug primarily developed as an antidepressant, in some countries is the first drug licensed for smoking cessation that is not associated with nicotine. The drug acts mostly through its inhibition of dopamine reuptake in the neuronal synapses, but other effects of bupropion may also have a role in smoking cessation. There have been many clinical studies of bupropion that have shown impressive results in helping patients with smoking cessation. Because of its antidepressant role, it is useful in smoking cessation in patients with depression. Through the years bupropion has proven to be a potential cost-effective alternative to NRT.


Pušenje je i dalje velik neizravan uzrok prerane smrti širom svijeta. Prva linija liječenja s ciljem prestanka pušenja terapija je nadomjeskom nikotina (NRT). Bupropion, lijek prvobitno razvijen kao antidepresiv, u nekim je zemljama prvi lijek licenciran za prestanak pušenja koji nije povezan s nikotinom. Lijek djeluje uglavnom kroz inhibiciju ponovnoga unosa dopamina u neuronskim sinapsama, ali drugi učinci bupropiona također mogu imati ulogu u prestanku pušenja. Provedene su mnoge kliničke studije bupropiona koje su pokazale impresivne rezultate u pomaganju pacijentima s prestankom pušenja. Zbog svoje antidepresivne uloge, koristan je u prestanku pušenja kod pacijenata s depresijom. Kroz godine, bupropion se pokazao kao potencijalno isplativa alternativa NRT-u.

