Factors Associated with the Quality of Life of the Nurses
Quality of life of the nurses
Aim of the study: Research aim was to investigate the quality of life of the nurses and to determine sociodemographic factors associated with lower quality of life.
Methods: A convenience sample of 100 nurses from different medical institutions in Croatia was used. An anonymous on-line questionnaire containing sociodemographic questions was administered. Quality of life was measured using Short Form-36 (SF-36).
Results: Lower general health was associated with the older age of nurses and those working only morning shifts. Lower vitality and mental health were associated with working only morning shifts. Other investigated factors showed no association with the quality of life of the nurses.
Conclusion: The quality of life of the nurses is lower than the quality of life of the general population in Croatia, in domains related to the role limitations due to physical health, bodily pain, vitality and social functioning. Factors influencing the quality of life of the nurses are inconsistent with literature data and require further research.
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati kvalitetu života medicinskih sestara i utvrditi sociodemografske čimbenike povezane s nižom kvalitetom života.
Metode: Korišten je prigodni uzorak od 100 medicinskih sestara iz različitih medicinskih ustanova u Hrvatskoj. Proveden je anonimni on-line upitnik koji je sadržavao sociodemografska pitanja. Kvaliteta života mjerena je pomoću Upitnika za procjenu zdravstvenog stanja - 36 (SF-36, od engl. Short form - 36).
Rezultati: Lošije opće zdravlje povezano je sa starijom dobi medicinskih sestara i radom samo u jutarnjim smjenama. Niža vitalnost i mentalno zdravlje povezani su s radom samo u jutarnjim smjenama. Ostali ispitivani čimbenici nisu pokazali povezanost s kvalitetom života medicinskih sestara.
Zaključak: Kvaliteta života medicinskih sestara niža je od kvalitete života opće populacije u Hrvatskoj, u domenama koje se odnose na ograničenja uloga zbog tjelesnog zdravlja, bol, vitalnost i socijalno funkcioniranje. Čimbenici koji utječu na kvalitetu života medicinskih sestara nisu u skladu s podacima iz literature i zahtijevaju daljnja istraživanja.